Facebook Timeline and The Social Media People
Facebook have made a number of big announcements this year with its new format, ‘timeline’, being one of them. The change to timeline becoming compulsory as of 31st March will cause some significant differences in a business’s Facebook campaign. The Social Media People, as leading experts in social media advertising, have already identified many advantages to the new layout.
You can now show the history of your business with information from before your page was made. The change in format also gives you a chance to rethink your content. In ‘timeline’, photos and videos can make your business page stand out to a greater extent. The Social Media People’s own Facebook page includes a variety of links and articles, as well as status updates and questions to followers.
Also, Facebook now enables all pages to utilise a Facebook coupon/specialty/discount to help drive business between users and brands. If you use an attractive enough offer it can draw new clients in.
The key fundamentals of Facebook haven’t changed. It is still a social platform and gives you the opportunity to build relationships with your current and potential clients. So make sure your Facebook campaign includes vital relationship building activities.