Matt Cutts, Head of Webspam at Google and perennial pain in the neck for SEO companies up and down the country and the outright BANE of black hat SEOs, has announced he’s to take a few months off to spend with his wife.
When I joined Google, my wife and I agreed that I would work for 4-5 years, and then she’d get to see more of me… And now, almost fifteen years later I’d like to be there for my wife more. I know she’d like me to be around more too, and not just physically present while my mind is still on work.
He’ll be completely out of the loop too. No sneaky checking of emails as they’re all re-routed to his WebSpam team who will be checking them on his behalf, but not replied to.
Although he did have this to say on the matter of contact:
There’s still tons of ways, from our webmaster forums to Office Hours Hangouts where you can ask questions to experts. On the social side, instead of sending SEO-related comments to me on Twitter, you can ping the Google Webmaster Central account. Likewise, make sure you follow Google Webmasters on Google+. A bunch of different Googlers will continue to speak and answer questions at search conferences too.
Do you think we’ll start to see more Black Hat Results in the search engines?
Blog Post by: Greg McVey