The Ten Commandments of Ethical Social Media Posting

Ten tips on how to make effective social media posts without offending or alienating your audience

Social Media Ten Commandments image by Kues (via Shutterstock).
Think Before You Link Or Before You Post: one ill-thought out post could be ruinous to your professional or personal reputation. Image by Kues (via Shutterstock).

You may have come across this familiar phrase in your time. The author of this piece most certainly has: “Engage Brain Before Putting Mouth into Gear”. One of his ex-teachers had the sign above the chalkboard. He would have said to any pupil (about to put his or her foot in it): “Read the sign, Boy (or Girl).” Imagine if Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, et al had this sign at the top of their pages. There could be fewer libellous tweets or salacious memes. There’s no way that any social media related sites from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe would do this. There would be cries of ‘censorship’ from Aberdeen to Zennor. Continue reading “The Ten Commandments of Ethical Social Media Posting”

Facebook or Twitter: Which Works Best?

Net66 looks at the two social networking sites and as to which of the two works best for small businesses

For many businesses, Twitter and Facebook are the main two social media channels. They might choose a significant third channel such as LinkedIn or Google+. As following your company’s Facebook and/or Twitter feed no longer means PC access (smartphones and digital tablets are more common), this equates to a wider potential audience. Continue reading “Facebook or Twitter: Which Works Best?”