Net66 Video Blog: Hummingbird and what it means for your business.

Late last year Google released their new Hummingbird algorithm. This was a major change for Google and affected 95% of their search results. This was a major change as a lot of their other updates, mainly panda and penguin, can affect anywhere between 0.1 and 2% of queries.

This has a lot to do with the switch of searches to mobile. As more and more people are using products such as Apple’s Siri and Google’s Google Now, voice search is increasing and search patterns are changing. More and more people are searching less for [keyword][area] and are more prone to asking “Where is the nearest [keyword] in [area]?”.

These requests need to be processed differently which is why Goole have released this update. For a more detailed view on Hummingbird see below:

Blog Post by: Greg McVey