Net Sixty Six’s new signage stands head and shoulders above the rest

If you’re familiar with Central Manchester or have found us via Google Maps, you would know that Net Sixty Six SEO’s base is slap bang in the middle of our city. Unless you know where we are physically, it is a case of ‘blink and you miss it’ if you miss our HQ at 40 – 42, John Dalton Street. You may have seen our offices through the window of a Bolton-bound 37, or a Leigh-bound Vantage V1 bus. From this month, spending the best part of half an hour trying to find Net Sixty Six Towers will be over. One of our first floor windows will be adorned with Net Sixty Six’s spiffy signage.
We at Net Sixty Six SEO have been based at 40 – 42, John Dalton Street since the 01 August last year. Our new signage has been given the nod by our neighbours on Albert Square with an animated sign on the first of our three front windows. Whilst at our previous base in Rammon House (near Manchester Piccadilly station), initial signage designs were created, incorporating what is now our present logo. Our final design will use the red and black colour scheme which has been part and parcel of our company for over a decade.
If you’re coming in on the 50 bus from East Didsbury or the V1 and V2 services from Stevenson Square, you will have no trouble finding us. By some happy accident, we almost have our own bus stop, a couple of yards from our entrance. Furthermore, our new signage will be easy to place by pedestrians, coming into the city by train or tram.
Once our signage is up, expect to see photographs of our new signs in a follow-up post.
Net Sixty Six SEO, 03 February 2017.