Now We Are Thirteen: On Friday the 13th!

Net Sixty Six at thirteen years old

Birthday Cake: Net Sixty Six at Thirteen. Image by VictoriaSky1 (via Shutterstock).
Tasty, though sadly not the birthday cake for celebrating our thirteen years in business (on Friday The 13th). This creation was photographed by VictoriaSky1 (via Shutterstock).

So to misquote our previous female Prime Minister, we have become a teenager. Yes, Net Sixty Six is thirteen years old. By rights, this means we should be sulking in our bedrooms if something goes wrong. This means we should be out chasing members of the opposite or same sex for a future significant other in later years. Or we should be fretting about our GCSEs or Key Stage 3 SATs. Continue reading “Now We Are Thirteen: On Friday the 13th!”

Net66 at 12: A Dozen Reasons to Celebrate

Net66’s progress from bedroom to city centre premises

Happy Birthday Net66
Not our birthday cake unfortunately, but the work of johndoeforty1’s from 2008 (Creative Commons License – Some Rights Reserved). Still, it looks gorgeous and has least one-fifth of your Five A Day on top of its icing.


In the last twelve years, the SEO world has changed dramatically.  We have seen search engines and algorithms come and go; the demise of IE6 and the rise of Google Chrome; and, most importantly, the rise of social media.  Back in 2004, social media meant MySpace and LiveJournal.  After the flurry of the DotCom Boom, the internets started to grow up (though found time for cat pictures and video clips). Meanwhile, from a spare bedroom in Heywood, Lancashire, came Net66. Continue reading “Net66 at 12: A Dozen Reasons to Celebrate”