Net66: Matt Cutts on how to recover from Link Spamming Penalty [Video]

In a nutshell, DISAVOW those links with the disavow link in Google’s Webmaster tools. Matt Cutts who does a lot of question answering for Google was given a question regarding the punishment and recovery from the international company Interflora.

It appeared for a time that Interflora were completely deindexed by Google as an exact match search for their company name failed to list them. The remarkable thing for this, however, was that after the penalisation of having their site deindexed by Google, they were back up and ranking in just 11 days. Admittedly they weren’t ranking for phrases as they were prior to the penalisation, but 11 days is a great result.

So this question was put to Matt Cutts, how did Interflora get back their rankings in just 11 days? You can see his answer below:

So it appears that when you do find yourself penalised for your shady link building techniques, take a figurative chainsaw to all potential bad links.

Blog Post by: Greg McVey