Net66 News: Move over Lazarus, Here comes Google!

DeathNow I know that Lazarus is from the bible and is more prone to rising from the dead. But being an avid Dr Who fan, I watched the Lazarus episode where the antagonist (bad guy) created a machine to restore youth. Allowing for a longer life and potential immortality and it’s that reference I’m using.

Google will be launching a new company named Calcio, who’s ambition it will be to study ageing and how it can be slowed down allowing for longer life. Great right? But why would Google, more of a technology behemoth than dermatological/cosmetic company do this? Well there are two hypothesises on this.

First, there’s the idea of Google being altruistic in this and genuinely wanting to help us endure so we can learn, prosper and get the most out of life.

And then there’s the cynic. Citing that the longer someone lives, then theres the more:

Adwords you can buy
Google Glass you can buy
Android revenue
Self driving cars you can run

You can pick your favourite but I’m sure there’s more. My belief is more aligned to the cynics way of thinking, but as an SEO I’ve no real love for Adwords so sometimes want to pan Google.

But what do you think?

Blog Post by: Greg McVey