We all know Adobe as the company that created Flash, Photoshop, Fireworks and of course the much loved Adobe PDF reader. So why has this creative company suddenly decided to release a new product designed specifically to help business owners understand the complex world of digital marketing.
But further than that, it also has the best interests of the end user in mind too. Not only will helping the business owner/SEOer improve the digital marketing aspect of the website. But tidying up all the onsite issues will surely increase the benefits of the website as a whole, thus, creating a more enjoyable experience for the end user.
It also deals with optimisation issues that some business owners can find confusing. They may know everything about how to whiten teeth, but when it comes to analytics, they will know nothing about this subject. So can get confused with the difference between unique visitors and regular visitors, bounce rate and time on site and the myriad of other statistics Google display through their analytics software.
With an online presence being a massive tool in revenue for businesses; more and more owners, marketing execs, accountants and anyone who has something to do with the website will be wanting to understand where their revenue is coming from, and how the website has attracted it. This way they can make an informed decision on whether or not each marketing avenue is worth pursuing
or not after analysing how much business each stream has brought to the site.
This software also goes beyond mere analytics and offers targeting, with the chance to set up favourite audiences so you can make the most of your online market. They further offer a step by step process, so that even the most novice digital marketer can have the chance to get a grip of their digital marketing campaign and steer it in the direction they want.
You can see the video that Adobe have released below:
Blog Post by: Greg McVey