Net66 SEO: Link Building Dos

Find Unlinked Brand Mentions & Logos

If people are talking about your company on the web, you need to be aware of it. So why not run a search for you company name and contact all the places where your company is mentioned and where this mention isn’t linked to your Website. If it’s someone you know I’m sure a quick fire email will help get you that link, but you may have to work harder if you’re mentioned on another website without the link.

For logos you could search an image of your logo and then select the “visually similar” option on Google Image Search. There you could easily ask website owners to give you a link, or at least customise your Alt Text.

Telling Great Stories

Content is king! We all know that, and have done for some time. So why you wouldn’t spend a long time on your content building strategies seems strange. Rather than publish blog post after blog post without really getting into it. Spend one week where instead of half an hour at the end of the day to publish 5 blog posts, you use that time to instead create genuine, compelling content that will get shared and linked to.

A story is a great way to do that and is one of the most organic ways to get links to your site.

So there are a couple of tips to help you on your way with Link building.