Net66: Facebook Launch New Website to Help Page Owners

images-2Organic traffic to Facebook pages has been dropping dramatically over the recent months/years. Often, studies have shown that even authoritative brands with huge followings on Facebook can manage a measly 2% organic reach to their page.

A lot of people have been very cynical about this and said it’s just a huge ploy so that business owners have to shell out more for advertising to promote their pages. Which is cruel and heartless and probably down to Mr Zuckerberg’s boardroom of profit hungry wall streeters, but if you were Facebook don’t pretend the same thought wouldn’t cross your mind.

But it seems organic reach is still possible with Facebook launching their new website designed specifically to help page owners reach out to more people organically.

They seem to centre their ideas around some main principles.

Growing and Engaging your Audience

Facebook shows you how you can use one of their tools to manage mentions, find out where you’re mentioned and then interact with the user who’s mentioned you.

Share Videos

This stems from Facebook’s recent launch of their “autoplay’ feature for videos and the more you share your video the more views you get and click throughs to your page. Users will also share your video if it is good enough.

You can read more on this on their website.

Blog Post by: Greg McVey