Walking to SEO Manchester HQ. This week, we have noticed some unusual things in Manchester City Centre. The traditional shop displays have been replaced with witches, skeletons and other spooky items. Pumpkins have been spotted scattered randomly in several trees. Even the infamous Manchester Town Hall clock and building have been turned into a slimy green colour. All of these signs can only mean one thing – the return of Halloween!
The Ten Commandments of Ethical Social Media Posting
Ten tips on how to make effective social media posts without offending or alienating your audience

You may have come across this familiar phrase in your time. The author of this piece most certainly has: “Engage Brain Before Putting Mouth into Gear”. One of his ex-teachers had the sign above the chalkboard. He would have said to any pupil (about to put his or her foot in it): “Read the sign, Boy (or Girl).” Imagine if Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, et al had this sign at the top of their pages. There could be fewer libellous tweets or salacious memes. There’s no way that any social media related sites from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe would do this. There would be cries of ‘censorship’ from Aberdeen to Zennor. Continue reading “The Ten Commandments of Ethical Social Media Posting”
Project Abacus: The End of Passwords?
Could Google’s Project Abacus herald the end of passwords?

Imagine you’re reading this article 10 years from now. By then, the very thought of trying to remember a Google, Twitter, Facebook or Instagram password will be laughable. Online banking could be done through biometric means. Facial recognition may be the norm. Google’s Project Abacus could see the end of passwords as we know it. Continue reading “Project Abacus: The End of Passwords?”
Yahoo Crisis Sees High Profile Departures
Uncertainty over proposed sale sees loss of key names and contracts

- Newscaster Katie Couric considers position;
- Yahoo email accounts hit by hack attack;
- AT&T ends contract after 15 years;
- Yahoo chief to pocket $55 million if ousted.
This week has been a wretched one for Yahoo, one of the elder statesmen of the internet age. Within the last three days alone, it is having to face up the loss of a star newscaster, a lucrative contract, and a security alert. Much of which has been exacerbated by its proposed sale. Continue reading “Yahoo Crisis Sees High Profile Departures”
Facebook: Taxing Times for Social Media Giant
Corporation Tax switch sees Facebook paying more tax in 2016-17 Financial Year

Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg’s social networking site is set to pay more Corporation Tax in the next Financial Year, following a recent outcry. The popular social media site will switch the tax base of its UK operations from Dublin to London. Continue reading “Facebook: Taxing Times for Social Media Giant”
Link Earning with the use of social media
Link Earning is becoming a more popular phrase within the SEO industry, especially with the way Google is evolving continuously. This new technique is having a great effect with Google and other search engines.
What is Link Earning?
Link Earning is basically giving your target audience content that they would benefit from. We have heard the phrase content is king so many times but there is a lot of truth behind it. Whilst link earning is gradually taking over from link building, the content required is a lot more advanced.
Writing the perfect content is the crux with link earning. Content with plenty of images, videos and links to reliable resources, also humerous content and fun to read. A mixture of these features will make the perfect recipe for link earning.
How to share my content?
This is a question we get asked a lot and what people don’t realise is that the answer is right under their noses! The internet. The best way to share content first of all is across all of your social media platforms.
Social media is a highly underestimated tool in the standard SEO arsenal which many people forget the shear power it has. Take a look at these sweet tips from Rand Fishkin;
The aim for link earning is not to only sharing your content across the web but where the full benefit comes into play is other people sharing it. So with social media you have a wide audience, therefore more of a chance someone will share your content.
Also, social media gives you the chance to go viral and make a name for yourself on the web.
There is not only social media which we can use to link earn but also blogs, forums and Q&A websites. (NOTE: the topic needs to be relevant to your content).
The reason these type of websites are perfect for sharing content is that they are normally full of people asking advice and you can put a reply with a link to your content.
If this is beneficial for the target audience then you will start to gain a reputation and become a well known trusted source of information regarding your chosen niche!
In summary, we need to start evaluating our methods and techniques in accordance to the updates Google has rolled out. I am a firm believer that link earning via social media is exactly what Google want you to do. It shows a sense of social engagement and content sharing.
Posted by Jordan Whitehead